Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What Bros Are Missing.

It seems like this is a pretty popular thread between Gun Bros players , so Ive decided to make a small analysis of some possible features which GLU may add to the game. Post all your ideas in comments so we can discuss them and send the feedback to GLU support team.

New Planet.
Its pretty likely to happen in near feature , since GLU already have demonstrated theyve got no troubles with adding new planets.
However we can only doubt about the design of the planet , something tropical would be cool imo :)

New Weapons , Armor Sets , Bug Fix. 
All these are a must. They should keep adding more stuff to the game to keep the interest of the players and of course to keep making money from the ingame buys.

Lots of bugs should be fixed as soon as possible , such as multiplayer crashing , bro-ops progress , Predator Rifle type etc.

Player VS Player.
This one is pretty unlikely , because of different reasons.

First of all , the concept of the game its totally opposite : its based on the teamplay.

Second , this update will require another wipe , leaving all bros @ lvl 1 and reseating gold / warbucks. Since this have been done recently , generating huge negative feedback , I doubt GLU will repeat it in the near future.

An alternative would be adding a possibility to invite more than 1 bro to play online , which will make it much more fun.


  1. Maybe glu will have the option to have two extra bro slots for npcs. One could be for someone in your brotherhood, and one could be a customizable bro that you can equip your gear to. That way, if you have a gun that shoots landmines, you can set up a legitimate defensive perimeter. Or maybe glu will add power ups that recharge, but cost more.

  2. +1 to what blackwraith21 says. also add 3G Voice Chat support.

  3. Add weapon/armor enchants to power ups store , so when you apply them to the items it will give an extra +DMG/RPM +ATK/DEF/SPD

  4. Totally agree with you guys , thanks for your comments!
