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As for the first post, Ive decided to write a fast lvlup guide. Actually its nothing special , I bet some of you already knew this stuff , but also there are some people who didnt.
Step 1 : get a heavy weapon @ store. The first one available(without using WB) is locked till lvl 24 , so if you are under that get a spread called Trident.
If you are 49+ , get the best heavy weapon you can , if u dont wanna spend WB I suggest this one :
Step 2 : invite a good geared bro. If u dont know anyone , fell free to add me : OMGrestart.
Dont forget to buy health power-ups.
Step 3 : go to single player and open Bokor planet , then choose horde 1.
Step 4 : ubicate your bro at the point showed on the picture.
This way all zombies will spawn at the top of the map , so all u need to do is keep nuking non stop.
Use this tip for a few days and u ill have a high lvled bro!
There is another spot on Haven that you can use for the same effect.....not quite as lucrative are this one thought.